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(978) 815-8755

24/7 Dispatch

Armed Security

Armed Security

Our armed security professionals, uniformed or plainclothes, are trained to escort individuals carrying large amounts of valuable property, including jewelry, cash, real property, etc.

Our personnel are highly trained and experienced in providing the highest levels of security, while not impeding the daily routine of the person being guarded.

We are experts at identifying and reacting to any potential situation so as not to endanger the client or the valuables.

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“A number of our executives attributed a strong part of our sales increase to the way that your staff displayed themselves with a high level of professionalism and customer service.”

– Eve Turner, iParty Stores, Inc. Corporate Security

Need Security Guard Services for Your Company?

Get a free security guard services quote for your company today.  Our Business Development Managers are the best in the business and will be in touch with you ASAP to assist with your security needs.